Democracy Itself

Received a few replies from time to time
From people happy to receive my little rhymes
They say it helps in keeping up with news
Although they sometimes differ with my views

They also say news channels they don’t watch
Since all his policies Trump seems to botch
His braggadocio speeches, his rebukes
Just turn their stomachs sour; makes them puke

I, too, have problems that are parallel
I shake my curled fist and want to yell
I hear his voice and press hard on the Mute
His visage sometimes causes me to hoot

Be that as may, distasteful though these things
Aware we must remain of happenings
That touch our lives; we need to understand
And not to stick our heads beneath the sand

For, ACT we must in every way we can
To join, to call, resist throughout the land
To vote them out, supporters of this fake
Democracy, itself, is what’s at stake


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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