Ho Hum

Ho hum, what’s happening with Trump today?
Ho hum, Scott Pruitt said goodbye
He was the leader of the swamp
The others couldn’t quite keep up
With fifteen scandal suits, oh my
Ho hum, will Wheeler take his place?

Ho hum, now just three justices remain
Ho hum, all certain: no on Roe v. Wade
Trump’s choice will dominate the news
Like Central Casting he will chose
Appearances that make the grade
Ho hum, I’d bet on Kavanaugh to gain

Ho hum, Fox News’s man, one William Shine
Ho hum, he was enabler for Ailes
In all his sexual pursuits
He left Fox News but not his roots
Dep. Chief of Staff in Trump’s detail
Ho hum, communications he’ll design

It’s not a ho-hum situation
Asylum seekers sent to jail
Three thousand kids in separation
From their parents. Trump’s creation
HHS responsible and failed
No records matching children to relations

What’s happening with Trump I could care less
What’s happening with kids displaced from moms
Is uppermost of my attention
Keeping families in detention
Cruelties of Trump that give me qualms
He’s the guilty cause of all this mess


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

2 thoughts on “Ho Hum”

  1. I applaud you, Sabba Rabba, for being able to follow the shenanigans, dirty tricks and evil doings of DT. I find it almost impossible to watch the news, and read about him in the newspaper. I can barely read the headlines on the front page of the New York Times, much less read the full articles. Yet, it is impossible not to know what he’s up to–he sells papers, and dominates the airwaves. When will this ever end?

    1. Dear Juliette
      It is more important now to keep up with the news than ever before, disgusting as it is, not just for the sake of being informed but to be able to respond to it with action. It is only through our actions that things will change for the better.

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