Trump’s Fourth

Our Day of Independence we celebrate with pride
The founding of our nation, unique from those before
A bitter war was fought against King George who strongly tried
To thwart our independence. Our founders won that war

What’s more they ratified a novel Constitution
Where we, the people govern and not some sovereign king
Where all are born as equals with rights; no class distinctions
Where emigres turned citizen enrich with what they bring

We’re witnessing, this year, a change with Trump now President
His actions flaunt the Constitution, graft and greed prevail
He denigrates our institutions thus ignoring precedent
And sports a racist attitude: non-whites presumed to fail

A strange and scary thing about Pres. Trump is taking place
We’re losing our won sovereignty; the Russian Federation
Is giving Trump directions: weaken NATO, cause disgrace,
Ignore their interference, cede Crimea to their nation

So, on this Four July we now are losing independence
A dictator has arisen who replaces old King George
Some are losing rights and freedoms, liberties, no recompense
Subservient our Congressmen, all victims of Trump’s scourge


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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