A New Feather

Caught up in the day-to-day noise of the news
Those facts and opinions of experts with views
Some well formed conjectures and some off the cuff
Politicos can’t get enough of this stuff

Each evening some new BREAKING NEWS fills the air
It gets to a point where there is no there there
The rest of the world becomes frozen apace
While our President hatches another disgrace

To gain some perspective I read current books
By authors involved through the paths their lives took:
James Clapper, James Comey, Steve Myers, Dave Corn,
Barb Boxer, Mike Wolf, Michael Isikoff, Steve Coll

The book I’m now reading, don’t view this askance
“The Plot to Destroy…” written by Malcolm Nance
He lays out Vlad Putin’s beliefs and his goals
Concerning America and Pres. Trump’s role

It’s chock full of insights all backed up with facts
And how cyber warfare supplants land attacks
An axis of autocrats banding together
Including Pres. Trump. Vlad’s hat has a new feather



What do Republicans have against children?
Trump, in particular, seems to take joy
In actions that caused disbelieving bewilderment
Ripping from parents young girls and boys

Kidnapping kids, a new U.S.A. policy
Based on the brown coloration of skin
Latinos, a menace, a Trumpean fallacy
Reason for capturing kids from their kin

As bad as this is it does not stand alone
The Reps., who gave wealthier voters tax breaks
Are cutting the funding, stripped down to the bone
Of key children’s programs where health is at stake

Nutrition, that’s SNAP, also health-care, that’s CHIP
Their funding has had many billions removed
Safe air and safe water have both taken hits
And dangerous pesticides have been approved

Concerning the housing where poor people dwell
Their minimum rents have increased triple fold
And what’s most important and timely as well
Our youth’s education funds slashed, it be told

Republicans say they’re for family values
“Home, God, and Country” is their claim to fame
But their treatment of children, I’m right here to tell you
That they should be hanging their heads down in shame



Statistics, statistics political bane
Purporting predictions of losses and gains
It’s really no wonder
It’s all in the numbers
Based on objectives it’s what one obtains

There is one statistic that’s often misleading
Concerning approval of Trump in his dealings
The number of voters
Among G.O.P.ers
Is eight points and eighty percent, quite revealing

That number’s been growing; the news has been stating
The worse Trump’s offenses the higher his ratings
One’s own intuition
Would see contradiction
Except for one factor in what they’re equating

Percentages grow under different conditions
One hundred times A over B: definition
A, larger can finish
Or B can diminish
The ratio increases. It’s this recognition

Which leads me to think that what’s happening here
A fraction of Trump’s loyal base disappears
With each of Trump’s screw ups
In anger hands flew up
Percentages increase which Trumpians cheer


Rapper Wisdom

We’re seeing the fallout of Trump’s stupid move
A meeting with Putin with no one else there
Except the translators and talk they won’t dare
And tapes were forbidden, there’s no way to prove

Who said what to whom and what things were agreed
Concerning Vlad Putin a wager I’d make
He slyly recorded their words on a tape
To back his pronouncements, if ever the need

It’s all open ended with Vlad in control
He’ll claim what he wants to about what took place
And Trump won’t dispute him; he might fall from grace
While Vlad cites his policies, over Trump rolls

An agreement on Syria Putin has cited
Involving joint actions, their army and ours
But ours had no knowledge, no orders, no power
And Trump has said nothing; Vlad Putin’s delighted

Some insight I learned from a rapper of note
Don Trump is enamored of rappers it seems
He likes to pretend that he’s cool in his jeans
And tough like a rapper; in truth it’s a hoax

He said of false rappers they put on tough airs
As long as they’re not near a rapper that’s real
In which case they turn into putty, not steel
To follow the bidding the rapper declares

This paints Trump with Putin almost to perfection
Explaining Helsinki and Trump’s gross behavior
And what may have happened alone with his handler
Vlad Putin, Trump’s master; who gives him directions


A Deal

On six January, two-oh-seventeen
Don Trump was informed by our top Intel chiefs
They have detailed proof from the data they’ve gleaned
That Putin had ordered his own cyber thieves

To work to make Hillary lose the election
And boost Donald Trump to become President
A most massive program near cyber perfection
They did, with results that are quite evident

The pundits of cable news seemed so surprised
That Trump, so informed before taking his oath
Continued to publicly take Russia’s side
Claiming the Intel’s results are a hoax

Trump’s counter reaction was not a surprise
To me, having watched Trump the brash candidate
He, even back then, favored Putin’s gross lies
Exhibiting biases pro Russia’s state

I see a conspiracy Putin and Trump
You scratch my backside and I’ll then scratch yours
This likely occurred before Trump hit the stump
And still is ongoing. There’s rot at the core

It’s not Trump the unwitting agent, dumb tool
Or Trump compromised, although possibly real
It’s cagey Vlad Putin, who’s nobody’s fool
Sizing up Trump and then making a deal



Republican Congressmen sighed their relief
Since Trump changed a word of his traitorous reply
When asked in Helsinki whose words he believed:
Dan Coats, DNI, or Vlad Putin’s big lie

These Congressmen bought Trump’s ridiculous spin
While knowing he’s lying it gives them an out
So that they’ll do nothing, no probe’s will begin
To try to determine what Trump’s all about

So why are our leaders in power so lax
In countering Russia’s mass cyber intrusion
That made Trump our President behind our backs?
The logic of this brings me to one conclusion

It’s not about Putin as Trump’s puppeteer
‘Though Trump’s gross behavior implies something’s there
Nor likely collusion nor deep-seated fears
It’s something quite practical when brought to bear

Republicans want to maintain their control
Of Senate and House this November’s mid terms
They fear the great blue wave that’s started to roll
The stats are against them; their hold is not firm

But with Russian help it might better their chances
Preserving majorities, maintaining power
Protecting Pres. Trump from impeachment advances
They need Putin’s help or their plans would all sour

So look for your Congressman playing charades
Denouncing the cyber war aimed at our people
But secretly thanking the Russians in spades
While keeping our countering efforts most feeble


Traitor Trump

Traitor Trump

A traitor’s a person who sides with the enemy
Backing their views at expense of our own
When the traitor’s our President what is the remedy?
That’s the real question now; that’s the unknown

‘Twas there in Helsinki, especially today
Pres. Trump chose quite publicly Putin’s pure lies
Over all that our Intel top chiefs had to say
Denigrating our Country, our Intel, our spies

It clearly appears Trump behaves like an agent
Under control of the Russian regime
He buys Putin’s lies even when they are flagrant
And does Putin’s bidding lock-step so it seems

Bob Mueller has proven the Russian involvement
In helping the Donald become President
Trump knows this is true but he cannot accept it
‘Twould place in his ego a terrible dent

What’s more, Mueller’s probe’s likely garnered more truth
Of what Putin’s holding above Donald’s Head
Both Putin and Trump want to stop him, forsooth
Before it’s made public – diversions instead

That Trump is a traitor there is little doubt
But Congress Republicans, weak at the knees
Will talk but do nothing toward moving Trump out
Come this next November they’re gone, it’s my plea


Traitor Trump

A traitor’s a person who sides with the enemy
Backing their views at expense of our own
When the traitor’s our President what is the remedy?
That’s the real question now; that’s the unknown

‘Twas there in Helsinki, especially today
Pres. Trump chose quite publicly Putin’s pure lies
Over all that our Intel top chiefs had to say
Denigrating our Country, our Intel, our spies

It clearly appears Trump behaves like an agent
Under control of the Russian regime
He buys Putin’s lies even when they are flagrant
And does Putin’s bidding lock-step so it seems

Bob Mueller has proven the Russian involvement
In helping the Donald become President
Trump knows this is true but he cannot accept it
‘Twould place in his ego a terrible dent

What’s more, Mueller’s probe’s likely garnered more truth
Of what Putin’s holding above Donald’s Head
Both Putin and Trump want to stop him, forsooth
Before it’s made public – diversions instead

That Trump is a traitor there is little doubt
But Congress Republicans, weak at the knees
Will talk but do nothing toward moving Trump out
Come this next November they’re gone, it’s my plea


GRU Indictments

A dozen indictments by Mueller’s grand jury
All GRU officers, Russia’s Intel
It seems that Bob Mueller did act in a hurry
To influence Trump’s Putin summit, do tell

Accused of the hacking of DNC files
And those of the Clinton election campaign
Releasing her Emails at propitious times
Creating confusion, attributing blame

Trump calls it a “witch hunt” full knowing it’s not
So far it’s been warlocks snared by Mueller’s net
My guess, more indictments that Bob Mueller’s got
And we ain’t seen nothin’ compared to what’s next

Let’s say for the moment Trump’s probe is completed
And Trump’s been found guilty enough to impeach
If Reps ruled the House seeing Trump’s thus defeated
Would they have the guts or is this past their reach?

We’re close to a choosing point historically
Whether to stay a democracy
Or be labeled as such just symbolically
While having become a Trumpocracy


NATO Distress

Unanimous except for two, the Senate vote
Affirming our commitment to our NATO ties
Essentially rebuking Trump’s much harsher note
At NATO Summit criticizing, spewing lies

Trump’s aim appears to be dismantling
Our deep alliance lasting seven decades long
They’ve stuck with us through thick and thin in battling
Aggressive forces everywhere to right what’s wrong

So why does Trump behave this way? Not out of fear
It pleases Putin, benefactor of such acts
A goal that he’s been nursing, lo these many years
Now Trump is doing Putin’s work. These are the facts

To me it is most obvious what’s happening
That Trump and Putin secretly agreed some years ago
To help Trump win as President, no easy thing,
But should Trump win, it would become, then, Putin’s show

Putin desperately wants the EU to dissolve
And NATO to become late history’s dust
To be the head of oligarchies so resolved
To sublimate themselves to Putin as a must

I call upon Republicans and Democrats
To recognize the perils this portends
And work, with zeal, to counter Trump’s destructive acts
To keep our world from being turned upon its end
