It’s happening here at our Mexican border
Seeking asylum from horrible fates
They’ve traversed great distances simply in order
To live with their loved ones in these golden states
Then after cruel hardships, when at entry ports
They get turned away; no more room they say
So they enter illegally not at a port
Only t o have their kids taken away
An evil new policy Trump has imposed
It’s called “zero tolerance” aimed at deterrence
“Asylum seekers, our borders are closed.
No longer the haven of refugee preference”
Some two thousand children removed from their parents
With records inaccurate: whose child is whose?
Some living in tents, desert heat that’s abhorrent
While Trump blames the Dems falsely for this abuse
It’s Trumpian policy easily reversed
It’s not but a bargain chip: Trump wants the wall
He’s ready to ruin lives; his wants come firsts
It’s time, to your Congressman please make that call