A correspondent smartly dubbed our President, one Donald Trump
Reflecting Donald’s recent tweet, “he’s our demander”, tweet, “in chief “
But Donald didn’t draft his tweet; its English was beyond Trump’s reach
My guess it was Sean Hannity who hatches tales to make Trump jump
Pres. Trump demanded FBI to look within and find the spy
Embedded in the Trump campaign. He blamed Obama for this deed
‘Twas based on an informant who reported to the FBI
Some conversations with Trump people, possibly a Russian lead
The public naming of informants is a criminal offense
It undercuts their privacy and they’ll not chance the FBI
With news they’ve gathered secretly whose relevance can’t be denied
Once trust is gone it won’t return. For that there is no recompense
But Trump is desperate, more each day; of damage from demands, he’s dumb
He’s hiding stuff can’t be revealed, corruption from his past, my guess
And he’ll do anything it takes, from this onslaught not to succumb
Our institutions that held sway, he violates; he could care less
Indelible corruption is the hallmark of Pres. Donald Trump
I’ve hereby labeled him as being “Lying President Corrumpt “
This was really a “right on” blog and it rhymes!!! I wish they would all work a little faster in getting the information into impeachment form. He does more and more damage every day.Lord help us!