Iran Accord Goodbye

I guess my timid guess was really somewhat off the mark
I forecast yestereve that: sign the Iran deal, Trump wouldn’t
The deal, Iran Accord, just like I said, sign it he didn’t
But then he came on strong and called for sanctions very stark

We’ve little business doings there directly with Iran
But all our allied signatories really do a lot
And they intend their trade agreements clearly not to stop
Will we, then sanction all of them? Is that Trump’s foolish plan?

Israel and the Sunni states support what Trump has done
They fear Iran is cheating, though there is no evidence
Iran, a terrorism sponsor, threatens their defense
They really want regime change in a war that must be won

Sans the accord, how long before they’ve centrifuges spinning?
Sans the accord, how will we know the nukes they are creating?
No longer credible, our word, world leadership retreating
Will we be suckered into war that we’ve no chance of winning?

All that Obama did achieve, Trump feels he must erase
Obamacare, Paris Accord, this nuke deal with Iran
The risk of war, now, with Iran has soared much higher than
It ever really was before; a future grim we face


Author: Sabba Rabba

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