Bad Deal, No; Good Deal, Yes

Black Cube’s in the news, an Israeli spy agency
No, it isn’t Shin Bet, independent and private,
They were hired by Trump to discredit the potency
Of opinions by two of Obama’s associates

The first, Colin Kahn and the other Ben Rhodes
They both were purveyors of matters opaque
In deriving the Iran deal and garnering the votes
Curtailing Iranian nuke weapons to make

This is all leading up to Trump’s big, big decision
To sign off, or not sign to continue the program
He’ll announce on the morrow with political wisdom
My guess is: he’ll not sign, but remain in the game

He will lay out conditions to toughen the accord
Discussed with our allies, to which they’ve agreed
If these were enacted then he would indorse
The modified deal as Trump’s good deal indeed


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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