My mother, now spirit, a saying she had
Whenever our room looked untidy and bad
With dust in the corners and dirt in the nooks:
“The longer it stays there the cleaner it looks.”
Of late I’ve had reason of that to recall
Regarding Trump’s lies, his insufferable gall
His racial remarks, narcissistic extremes
The more times it’s heard, the more normal it seems
His clear disregard for the laws of the land
The use of his office to feather his hand
The requisite loyalty that Trump requires
A new norm for Presidents and who aspire
I look at the Congress, Republicans weak
Permitting the President havoc to reek
It was, once, their duty to check President’s
But that’s been replaced with obeisant assent
The path to dictatorship, norm by lost norm
With falsehoods abounding, truth lost in the storm
With dust in the corners and dirt in the nooks
The longer it stays there the cleaner it looks