Sunday Eve

It’s Sunday eve before the sun descends
We’re still in Fairfax: family and friends
But in a day or so this trip will end
Then back to Arizona we will fly

In spite of us the world continued on
‘Though Congress this Spring break was mostly gone
And Trump, I guess, was somewhere playing golf
In Douma gas attacks saw hundreds die

The Times on Pruitt of the E.P.A.
On his profligacy had lots to say
But not his policies so retrograde
He couldn’t waste more money if he tried

And, too, John Kelly’s voice no longer bears
He talks and Trump just doesn’t seem to care
It is as though John really isn’t there
Another casualty of Trump, we’ll say bye bye

Kim Jong is seen of late with happy face
He says he’s ready to negotiate
Removal of things nuke from off his space
It’s hard to ferret truth among his lies

On California Trump prevaricates
Claims double voting rampant in the state
There’s more non news but time is turning late
And now it’s night; it’s time to say goodbye


Cherry Blossom Time

We walked, today, amid the basin trees,
Explosive beauty there before our eyes
It’s cherry-blossom Washington, DC
In subtle pink profusion city wide

So delicate each petal on its twig
Yet year on year the trees survive all storms
Their gnarled trunks all twisted, branches big
Bear witness to their struggles; it’s their norm

A metaphor for DC politics
Democracy is fragile like the blooms
And sometimes votes to power lunatics
Where gross corruption-storms o’er DC loom

But I have faith in our Democracy
‘Though tyrants come, our country will survive
Our citizens like trunks of cherry trees
Will conquer storms – that we may also thrive
