
Trump’s tirade, this morning, was on Fox & Friends
For one full half hour he ranted, he raved
He could have continued until the day’s end
But Fox host, Steve Doocy, Trump’s rear end he saved

Rupert was watching, or so I surmise
And signaled to Doocy to quit the phone call
Ere Trump does more damage with all his lies
And angry tongue lashings encompassing all

Trump managed to throw Cohen under the bus
Defeat his defense in the Stormy court trial
Denounce DOJ that it’s grossly unjust
And claim Comey’s memos as to be reviled

Across the Pacific momentous the news
They met taking steps as they both traded sides
Jong-un and Jae-in, as a first since the truce
Small steps that were big as Korea makes strides

But soon they’ll be meeting with President Trump
To give up Kim’s nukes will be laid on the table
I doubt if Kim’s ready his program to dump
At negotiation I doubt if Trump’s able

Perhaps a real armistice ‘tween South and North
Perhaps Kim will offer his nukes to moth-ball
It’s hard to foresee how these talks will go forth
But Trump needs some “victory” prior to Fall


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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