Hard To Say

Into Ron Jackson, Trump’s doctor, we look
The Admiral physician for past Presidents
His warmth toward the President’s all that it took
To be nominated the VA to head

No vetting or interviews prior were done
No qualifications toward filling that role
And as it turned out, it was doomed ere begun
Since damning reports from his colleagues were told

He’ll surely withdraw soon, as hopes turn to myth
It’s been a distraction that Trump sorely needs
Since Cohen decided that he’ll take the Fifth
Concerning the Daniels case, Trump will be squeezed

Meanwhile, Giuliani, Trump’s latest new lawyer
Has met with Bob Mueller, the two face-to-face
I think Rudy’s mission is: to be a spoiler
So Trump can refuse to meet Mueller apace

This all is a sprinkling of news fit to tell
Among many happenings in just this day
Iran, North Korea, Supreme Court, as well
What comes on the morrow it’s just hard to say


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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