The World Won’t Be The Same

Two subjects on my mind tonight, they’re Cohen and Jong-un
The NK DC summit meeting’s just some days away
And Kim has laid the groundwork to be sure things go his way
Olympic truce began the thaw, diplomacy had won

Kim demonstrated to the world his missiles and his nukes
He then could be magnanimous, the olive branch hold out
The South convinced they weren’t a threat and so put down their dukes
And Trump, Kim’s offer did accept, ‘though not without some doubt

So far the situation is win win, both sides can credit claim
Historically this is a first for NK and DC
When presidents meet face to face, it shouts equality
And Trump might get the promise of a Tower with his name

As you all know the FBI took all of Cohen’s data
To get a warrant to do this, their reasons must be strong
Enough, I’d guess, that by themselves, could get the man indicted
If that’s the case it’s almost certain that he’ll flip ere long

Since Michael knows what Trump has done throughout the last ten years
He’s been the “fixer” shoveling what Trump excretes behind
This really has Trump worried, angry, in a legal bind
There’s no way he can stop the train and wreckage that he fears

So here is Trump in disarray, not credible his word
Quite soon to meet with Kim Jong-un, a master at his game
No one quite knows what to expect, what will be said and heard
But one thing’s clear, when said and done, the world won’t be the same


Author: Sabba Rabba

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