True, some decisions really are like really hard to make
Like going on to grad school when you’ve got three mouths to feed
And some are really easy, like: to wed my wife – a cake
But lately I’ve been struggling on: should I do this deed?
In Arizona politics a Senate seat popped open
Jeff Flake, our honorable Senator said he had had enough
His chances in the primaries were not what he’d been hoping
So Jeff threw in the boxing towel; this race was too, too tough
Ahah, I thought; A new career; it’s just the thing, I am told
For citizens of senior status, what the pundits claim,
A cure for our irrelevance, to keep us folks from feeling old
A new career in politics – for Jeff Flake’s seat I would take aim
I knew this race would not be easy. Did I really have the stuff?
I looked for quals I might be missing, things I need to garner votes
There are no women claiming sexual treatment that was rough
I’ve never been to Russia, not a puppet, I might note
My Income-tax returns are open; haven’t fudged a single entry
Don’t play golf; don’t lie too much; a maniacal ego? No!
I don’t have enemies to blame when things I do create a quandary
Nor am I a Fox-News fan, and use of Twitter I don’t know
I could go on on attributes, for lack of which I cannot win
A new career as Senator won’t be for me, from where I sit
Alas, I must forgo my quest; opponents would just do me in
Conclude I have, ‘though it was tough: as Senator I’m just not fit
That was both really like fun and also sad. But I agree, a run for Senate is probably not going to work for you.
Do you think, maybe, I’m not old enough?
I think you would be a good senator!