
The Michael Cohen last-week raid by agents of the FBI
As ordered by the prosecutor, Southern District of New York
Portends a new beginning phase in legal storms approaching nigh
To Michael, an indictment soon; to Trump whose blasphemies won’t work

In other news, reported by McClatchy, which is rarely wrong
That Michael Cohen went to Prague in Autumn some two years ago
Which Michael strongly disavows, but Mueller’s evidence is strong
Collusion proof is what it means. It’s certain Trump was in the know

Coordinating with our allies, Trump approved more Russian sanctions
Ambassador Ms.Nikki Haley at the UN yesterday
Announced said sanctions were forthcoming; Trump then aired dissatisfaction
Canceling the ordered sanctions, undercutting Haley’s say

James Comey’s book comes out tomorrow, widely quoted in the news
‘Though criticized on Clinton’s Emails, it has insights we should read
“A Higher Loyalty” it’s title; full of strong but honest views
He judges Trump as smart enough but morally unfit to lead


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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