

Smart-missile statements made by Trump responding to Assad’s gas war
Bob Mueller’s raids on Michael Cohen reopens firing Rosenstein
The whacky Bannon scheme to void staff testimony from before
Each subject worthy of a poem, but uppermost not in my mind

The news I found enticing most that caused me, thus, to pay attention
Just two days past the CBO’s announcement how our debt will grow
Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House, let it be known, it’s his intention
Not to run for re-election; one might wonder why it’s so

Paul’s nice, he is a family man; of scandals he’s not been accused
I did applaud when he was voted in as Speaker of the House
A man of principal and intellect; his power he would not abuse
Be that as may, as it turned out, his reign was timid as a mouse

Trump seemed to have him under spell. He never challenged Trump’s excess
Or violations of the law; nor Devin Nunes escapades
So blatantly in Trump’s defense; Judiciary in duress
But Paul backed Nunes all the way, ignoring deeds in error that he made

Perhaps Paul’s biggest non success as deemed by most Republicans:
He promised to reduce the debt; instead he raised it more than most,
His tax-cuts bill unpopular as viewed by most Americans
Obama Care he tried to kill; ‘twas nothing there of which to boast

By telling now that he will quit, he’s leaving comrades high and dry
He’s telegraphing they will lose; their money sources disappear
His ship is sinking; he wants off, perhaps for Prexy he might try
In twenty twenty maybe but, as Speaker, he’s the worst in years


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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