This is a poem ‘bout Andy McCabe
FBI Dep. Director about to retire
For o’er twenty years a career Andy made
Just two days from then he was formally fired
When Comey was pressured by Trump to desist
From doing the probe against General Mike Flynn
This Andy was one among few on a list
Of those Comey told of the details therein
Pres. Trump o’er the subsequent months since that date
Removed or besmirched all those names so they’d fail
Except for McCabe, who just suffered that fate
So no one’s left standing who’d heard Comey’s tale
These words are opinion, what I have surmised
Trump secretly told the IG his desire
To trump up a way to claim Andy had lied
And then get him fired before he retired
Pres. Trump pressured Sessions to act in a hurry
And fire McCabe counteracting his fitness
To testify truthfully to the Grand Jury
With no credibility then as a witness
This smells like a fish after ten days exposure
Revealing Trump’s smallness and selfishness too
In trying to bring Mueller’s probe fast to closure
All those who might cross him he’s ready to screw
This isn’t the end of this sordid affair
McCabe had approval for actions he’d taken
And vowed he’d not lied, that the there isn’t there
He’ll fight this decision he’s sure was mistaken