Events Triad

News worthies, a triad, portend major changes
School children, Trump ousting, a Democrat wins
On what has just happened our future so hinges
For better? For worse? Yet, the jury’s not in

All throughout the nation we saw children marching
Some hundreds of thousands played hooky from schools
Protesting the Congress for gun-laws ignoring
For congressmen being the NRA’s tools

The NRA has them all over a barrel
To vote NRA or no votes will they cast
Ignoring these children they do at their peril
Their votes against gun laws may well be their last

Goodbye to Rex Tillerson, past Sec. of State
What was Foggy Bottom is more than half gone
You called Trump a moron; now suffer your fate
By Twitter Trump fired you, his pay-back you’ve won

Pompeo was head of our famed CIA
A West Point and Harvard Law graduate of note
A Tea Party congressman leaning Trump’s way
A man Trump could count on when needing his vote

‘Twas Michael Pompeo whom Trump chose to be
The new Secretary of State (while he lasts)
He may be adult, but with Trump he agrees
Abroad he’ll be viewed through his CIA past

Within Pennsylvania the District eighteen
Was so gerrymandered to lose was a sham
Rick Saccone, a shoe-in, as such he was seen
Just lost to a Democrat named Conor Lamb

Young Conor a lawyer, a former Marine
Pulled off such an upset it seems to foresee
A blue-wave tsunami, the national scene
It doesn’t bode well for the Trump GOP

Events all have consequence, these three I know
Are points history pivots directions to trend
To war, and to gun laws, to Dems in control
Stay tuned, it’s just starting; this isn’t the end


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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