Busy Week

Bob Mueller’s busy, busy week, indictments all apace
Thirteen Russians plus three firms plus Manafort and Gates
Plus Van der Swaan and God knows who are there on Mueller’s list
Rick Gates was flipped; next Manafort (?) all squeezed in Mueller’s fist

But Manafort’s resisting; Trump, a pardon, might declare
I doubt he’ll get his wishes; Trump sees no advantage there
So who is next in line to fall to Mueller’s battle axe?
All eyes on Kushner, plenty there, but Mueller won’t yet act

Meanwhile, the Demo’s Memo was released for public eyes
To counter that of Nunes, which attacked the FBI
It did reveal the gross distortions of the Nunes memo
But now it’s past attention spans; it gets a yawn, ho-humo

Meanwhile, it’s true, the NRA is losing corporate sponsors
And legislators of the states are drafting stronger gun laws
I hand it to the high-school student’s demonstrations rife
Opposing those who value guns above a student’s life


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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