Attention Span

Attention span of cable news; diminished, each event
Now you see it, now you don’t; left wondering where it went
All news is fragile, that I know; keeps breaking hour by hour
Each White House scandal blooms in news, then fades like winter flowers

No news about the Dreamer’s plight, no news about Rob Porter
The White House staff sans clearances, the Wall along our border
Nor Columbine, nor Sandy Hook, Aurora, VA Tech
All scandals of some distant past in hopes that we’d forget

But Stoneman Douglas changed all that; lead news these past eight days
The students made their voices heard in marches, what they say:
It’s time to ban all weapons that can kill at rapid rates
And universal background checks, the law in every state

This student movement nation wide is not going to desist
They will convince recalcitrants who think they can resist
The Congress of the USA, in case there’s any doubt,
If they’re bereft of action kids will lead to vote them out


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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