The NRA got multi millions as a Russian present
The NRA spent multi millions on the last election
The Russians flooded Twitter pushing anti gun control
And senators and congressmen were clearly on the dole
The NRA has bribed our legislators with this dough
That they should never act to curb the carnage we have known
They’ve voted down all measures that might limit weapon access
And easy made for crazies, assault rifles to possess
It’s time to stop tip-toeing ‘round and call a spade a spade
These weapons, assault rifles, for mass murder they were made
Designed for armies not civilians seeking their revenge
For pain they’ve suffered in their life both real and in their head
Accomplices to murder of the stench of blood they smell
The blood of victims: children, teachers stain their hands as well
All those, for contributions, who obey the NRA
And vote against all gun control are murderers, I say
The only way to change this is to vote the killers out
Replace them with who’ll vote to bring good gun control about
When at the polls think of the children massacred that day
And vote against their murderers, pawns of the NRA