It was in Broward County, Parkland City, Florida
In the high school, expelled student Cruz obtained revenge
He murdered teachers, murdered students, in a shooting binge
With an AR-15 rifle, seventeen he killed today
That’s the eighteenth school house shooting in the nation just this year
And from right-wing politicians all we hear are platitudes
Prayers and sympathy to mourners, a do-nothing attitude
With the NRA’s blood money they can further their career
I would like to ask the parents of the murdered high-school kids
Who they voted to the Senate; was it Marco Rubio?
On the bill to ban that type of rifle, Marco voted no
It’s whom the people do elect and whom the do get rid
Of course I’m sympathetic such a loss is devastating
Why should it take mass murders of our children in their schools
To wake the population up? Are all of us such fools?
The answer clearly is a yes; I say sans hesitation
Where is the march against such guns, and, too, the demonstrations,
The sit-ins and the protests with their signs decrying guns?
Until the population rises up to leaders of the nation
To say enough’s enough! It’s only then will this be won