Infrastructure Week

This week is Infrastructure Week; ‘twill last, perhaps, a day
Since all the other happenings will crowd its news away
Like General Kelly’s handling of Secretary Rob
Full knowing that he’d not be cleared, John kept him on the job
Or that the Demo’s Memo, which corrects the Nunes brief,
May never see the light of day, rejected by the Chief

Be that as may, I’ve things to say on infrastructure spending
Chris M. of Hard Ball wondered at so much in need of mending
In other countries ‘round the Globe facilities are modern
But here we witness gross neglect. What caused this wasting down turn?
The “no new taxes” mantra that the Reps. espoused for decades
Ensured no funds available to have new structures made

Along comes Trump, the President, in typical fan fair
Who touts a billion and a half as though those funds are there
Two hundred billion allocated from the Federal coffers
One fifth the cost is what they’ll pay. That’s all the Trump plan offers
The rest, four fifths, is left to states to fund as best they can
By selling bonds or company investments in their plan

Toll roads and bridges in profusion all throughout the states
Since debts and profits must be paid. ‘Twill be the people’s fate
But I have doubts most states will join Trump’s infrastructure goal
Their voters won’t abide new debt, nor want to pay large tolls
I’d like to see thenreally needed funds for infrastructure
But with Trump’s wall and tax cuts, infrastructure has no future


Author: Sabba Rabba

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