‘The messenger, the messenger, we must convict the messenger’
Republicans in Congress have this attitude toward Christopher
Who tried his best to warn them Trump’s been compromised by Putin
It’s news that Reps refuse to buy; their heads in sand refuting
Up to now Republicans looked elsewhere and were passive
With every un American aspersion Donald made
It mattered not the implications though they may be massive
Republicans ignored them.quintessential Trump, they’d always say
This time, though, things were different; Reps took on an active role
Embracing full the Nunes memo, flawed but helping toward their goal
Protecting thus, the President from Mueller’s probe’s conclusions
They are convinced he’ll find wrongdoings; they must sow confusion
They’ll denigrate the FBI and Justice and the probe
They’ll label Chris Steele’s dossier as writings of a fool
They’ll actively defend the Trump in spite of his wrongdoings
And make the memo sacrosanct, though false under reviewing
I label them as cowards, the Republicans in Congress
They’ve caved to Trump’s dictatorship, enabling his way
Destroying our democracy, our norms without redress
This GOP is rotting; may it see a better day