Cooked Goose

As normal Trump has cooked his goose
Way back in June, against advice,
He told McGahn, “Turn Mueller loose”
McGahn refused. He’d quit, No dice!

So Trump backed off, as bullies do,
When challenged so, as did McGahn,
No firing, then, did Trump pursue
But he keeps saying that he can

Who leaked this now from deep within
The White House? Too, why this late date?
My guess, McGahn, to save his skin
But it’s enough to seal Trump’s fate

It demonstrates beyond a doubt
In firing Comey, Trump’s intent
To snuff investigations out
Concerning Flynn. Trump was Hell bent

Obstructing justice pure and simple
Mueller’s tightening the noose
His evidence is more than ample
Trump is claiming “It’s fake news!”

But soon in Mueller’s seat that’s hot
The President will find himself
To answer questions true or not
A hand he’d rather not be dealt

He’s damned by truth and damned by lies
Admit to crimes or perjury
Can’t bluster through, though he may try
As insult adds to injury


Author: Sabba Rabba

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