The Hastert rule, bipartisan’s demise
The rule Republicans have followed ever since
The Speaker hatched this rule that’s so unwise
Whenever they’re majority in the House
To bring a bill before the House for votes
A Rep majority is now required
It means joint-sponsored bills that are of note
Go nowhere, ‘though they’re massively desired
It also means that a minority
Of Reps. can dictate what will be allowed
And what will not. They set priorities
The Freedom Caucus wields that power now
Because the Caucus hates all immigrants
The Dreamers bill has never reached the floor
In all the months since DACA was rescinded
That’s why the Dems were adamant and more
John Kelly and Tom Cotton have Trump’s ear
The White House won’t negotiate they claim
Until the shut- down’s been resolved, it’s clear
And Democrats will shoulder all the blame
Both Parties spending for a media blitz
Each Party navigating on the brink
‘Twill be who hurts the most, who’s having fits
That will determine who’s the first to blink
The Hastert rule back then has led the way
For unintended consequence today
Really got into this post. A very excellent review of today’s concerns and in perfect rhythm. The Trump upheaval never ceases and the chaos he has created has never been topped by any President. Give me yukkey sexual behavior, give me Watergate, I’ll take them anytime over the hatred this man spouts. .