Nunes’ Memo, Continued

This poelitic follows from the last
Makes yesterday appear like distant pass
McCabe resigned his post at FBI
Pushed out by Trump; his rationales were lies

That secret memo by the Nunes team
The Rep. committee voted for release
To Public subject to the President’s okay
He’ll sign it justifying his next prey

Rod Rosenstein, in charge of Mueller’s act
Is in line next to suffer Trump’s attack
The memo claims Rod signed a FISA warrant
With insufficient vetting, quite abhorrent

The Demos on Committee Intel wrote
A memo countering the Repub. note
But it was voted to release it not
The whole thing is a Nunes plot

A plot to sully Mueller, Rosenstein
So Trump can so obstruct what they might find
Trump signals guilt in every move he makes
Republicans abet him for their sake


Nunes’ Memo

There is a sense among Trump’s acolytes
That Mueller’s, data has Trump dead to rights
Obstruction is the case that he’s pursued
They must belittle Mueller, how he’s viewed

And, too, the FBI they sully must
So their conclusions people will not trust
Rep. Devin Nunes, Chair of House Intel
In secret wrote a memo there to tell

Of FBI wrong doings, sheer corruptions
In his attempt to cause this probe disruption
The memo’s based on classified reporting
He’s shown it to House members who’re supporting

But not the Senate nor the FBI
Who could show really that it’s all a lie
Rep. Nunes has done goofy things before
Supporting Trump; so far, he hasn’t scored

Now right-wing media and Trump’s sycophants
All quote the memo in incessant rants
Against the FBI and Mueller’s probe
Although it’s content they can’t rightly know

Soon Mueller will be interviewing Bannon
Who’ll likely volley like a wayward cannon
Then Pense and finally he’ll get toTrump
To which outcome prediction I won’t jump


Cooked Goose

As normal Trump has cooked his goose
Way back in June, against advice,
He told McGahn, “Turn Mueller loose”
McGahn refused. He’d quit, No dice!

So Trump backed off, as bullies do,
When challenged so, as did McGahn,
No firing, then, did Trump pursue
But he keeps saying that he can

Who leaked this now from deep within
The White House? Too, why this late date?
My guess, McGahn, to save his skin
But it’s enough to seal Trump’s fate

It demonstrates beyond a doubt
In firing Comey, Trump’s intent
To snuff investigations out
Concerning Flynn. Trump was Hell bent

Obstructing justice pure and simple
Mueller’s tightening the noose
His evidence is more than ample
Trump is claiming “It’s fake news!”

But soon in Mueller’s seat that’s hot
The President will find himself
To answer questions true or not
A hand he’d rather not be dealt

He’s damned by truth and damned by lies
Admit to crimes or perjury
Can’t bluster through, though he may try
As insult adds to injury


Hi Ho

Hi ho, hi ho, its back to work we go
The Demos caved, our pay checks saved
Hi ho, hi ho, hi ho

Hi ho, hi ho, the Dreamers’ hopes dashed low
Their expectations felt deflation
So, hi ho, hi ho, hi ho

This is the view that is extant
Republicans are crowing
But Schumer knew that Congress can’t
Pass laws with shut-downs looming

His goal was not to pass a law
For Dreamers, giving hope
It was, instead, that Schumer saw
A way to force a vote

At this, Sen. Schumer was successful
Since Mitch agreed that on Feb. eighth
He would allow floor Dreamer bills
The Senate needing sixty votes. Have faith


The Hastert Rule

The Hastert rule, bipartisan’s demise
The rule Republicans have followed ever since
The Speaker hatched this rule that’s so unwise
Whenever they’re majority in the House

To bring a bill before the House for votes
A Rep majority is now required
It means joint-sponsored bills that are of note
Go nowhere, ‘though they’re massively desired

It also means that a minority
Of Reps. can dictate what will be allowed
And what will not. They set priorities
The Freedom Caucus wields that power now

Because the Caucus hates all immigrants
The Dreamers bill has never reached the floor
In all the months since DACA was rescinded
That’s why the Dems were adamant and more

John Kelly and Tom Cotton have Trump’s ear
The White House won’t negotiate they claim
Until the shut- down’s been resolved, it’s clear
And Democrats will shoulder all the blame

Both Parties spending for a media blitz
Each Party navigating on the brink
‘Twill be who hurts the most, who’s having fits
That will determine who’s the first to blink

The Hastert rule back then has led the way
For unintended consequence today



As I sit down to draft a poelitic
A shot of scotch on ice
Topopos made of maiz
A day of news prolific
It’s hard to be specific
News tidbits swirling, dizzying my brain:

Trump’s winners of his news-that’s-fake awards
On again, off again DACA for ransom
Government shutdown that Trump seems to welcome
It’s Cotton and Kelly who moved the Trump backwards

Bannon subpoenaed full twice in one day
The first was by Mueller,; House Intel as well
Just why this all happened it’s not hard to tell
If Bannon tells all,
The Donald will fall
From under the bus Bannon has lots to say

It seems Trump’s inviting a terror attack
It’s his great solution to twenty eighteen
The mid-term elections: the blue wave that’s roaring
He thinks it will send Repub. sentiment soaring
And halt the blue wave as through States it careens

Don Trump had his physical
No problems inimical
Needs to get exercise
Diet a bit more wise
And mental acuity?
He passed with alacrity
Not covered, psychology or personality

Enough my meandering
I have some misgivings
Trump’s childish behavior
We’ve come to accept
True normal behavior
We do not expect

We’ve normalized politically
That Trump has abnormalities



Why celebrate the birth of MLK?
A day of service, not a day of self
It’s hard to fathom prejudice’s sway
The denigration people Black have felt

When young I, too, felt prejudice’s sting
Not being Black, I felt it as a Jew
But I rejected gays; it was my thing
Insidious our hates each gen renews

It’s really MLK’s inspiring message
A letter from the Jail in Birmingham
Which led to legislation’s final passage
Acknowledging the rights of every man

Since immigrants, and most minorities
Vote Democratic overwhelmingly
Republicans have placed priority
On limiting their opportunities

And now we have a President whose views
Are racist toward those countries who’re not white
In keeping with King’s spirit we must choose
To fight for racial justice; fight the fight




At 8:07 came the message over TV, over cell phones
TO HAWAII. Urgent was the message
Go immediately to shelter. THIS IS NOT A DRILL
People panicked, soon be dying. Get my family! Where’s a shelter?
All the islands from Oahu to Kahoolawe
People fearful everywhere dismayed and unprepared

Of course it was a human blunder; someone triggered the alarm
It took some eight and thirty minutes ‘till they messaged out
Relieved, it left the people angry: they were made to suffer so
Their senator, one Brian Shatz, vowed no more future false alarms
Politically, that’s smart to say, but actually it’s pretty dumb
Human error there will be. It’s deep within our human genes

No one’s mentioned the real lesson that this episode revealed
Hawaii, now a likely target for a nuclear attack,
Has not seen the threat as serious. Grossly unprepared are they
With Trump and Kim, both men unstable, likelihood’s of error soar
But after finding who’s the culprit heaping on him blame and more
This will all be long forgotten, back they’ll go like times before


S***hole Countries


Trump’s behavior reprehensible
Leaves a stain throughout indelible
Bigotry at scales incredible
Racist slurs quite undeniable
Deeply, deeply irresponsible

Haitians fought our Revolution
Afros man our institutions
Yellow, Brown and Black in fusion
With the Whites make strong our nation
We’re a land of immigration

Everyone knows Trump’s a bully
Congress Reps suppressed most fully
Not a peep against Trump’s folly
Cowed to silence, cowards truly
Reelection matters only

We are strong, I have no doubt

And we will vote the cowards out
The midterm votes will be a rout
A victory that Dems will tout
And Trump will scream and Trump will shout
“It’s rigged! It’s rigged!”; there’s little doubt


Trumple’s Lament Revisited

Michael Wolff’s Fire & Fury, among many revelations, pointed out that Donald Trump never intended to win the presidency. He fully expected to lose to Hillary and planned on that. I wrote Trumple’s Lament in May, 2016, having come to that conclusion. He could promise anything since he “knew” he would never have to deliver.

All this week President Trump has been demonstrating the primary message of the book is correct: that Trump is unfit in every way to hold any government office, let alone the presidency. I will write more on this later.

Trumple’s Lament

This fate wasn’t meant to happen Music blaring, banners flapping All those thousands shouting, clapping

Shouting, “Trumple, he’s our man!”

Really not what I intended Nor have I much cash expended This fiasco should have ended Ended where it all began

They keep shouting, “He’s our man!”

I’m now leader of this party G O P, all hale and hearty I’m so guru, I’m so smarty I’ll succeed because I can

I’m so awfully good at winning Should have known it when beginning On myself the blame I’m pinning ‘Twas me fooling, when I ran

They keep shouting. “He’s our man!”

Now I’m certain I’ll be prexy Life might be, well, kind of sexy
But I’ll suffer apoplexy Living where I’d lose my tan

Hotels have I, mansions have I Billion-Dollar life style, have I
From that dinky White House will I
Leave when e’er I can

They keep shouting, “he’s our man”
