Flynn’s Anger


Conjecturing about Mike Flynn
The heated water that he’s in
It’s hard to know where to begin
Perhaps his military days

He was a three-star general
Respected up and down as well
Then suddenly, the way they tell
He seemed to turn to angry ways

The Army’s counter-terror plan
Flynn shaped while in Afghanistan
Obama felt he was the man
To head the nation’s DIA

It isn’t clear what did take place
Obama did a reverse face
And fired Flynn, a fall from grace
Advising Trump to stay away

On discharge Flynn hooked with the Russians
Putin’s puppet, my suspicion
Giving lectures on commission
Raking in good pay

Mike Flynn had been a Democrat
But leaving Russia, coming back
Not having known Trump before that
He joined the Trump parade

Outside his family Trump relied
On Michael Flynn for his advice
And loyalty there at his side
He knew just what to say

Good soldier, Mike did as was told
On making Russian deals unfold
And putting scruples such on hold
But now he rues the day

In talking to the FBI
He knew they knew, but still he lied
Trump’s role in this he had to hide
Trump’s sons, the Vice, their play

The game is up, he took the plea
He will tell all he’s heard and seen
His conscience finally will be clean
And anger melt away


A Day To Be Remembered

It’s a day you should remember, this December day the first
It’s the day that Michael Flynn has pleaded guilty of his lying
And today saw Mitch McConnell jam his tax bill, clearly worst
For the Senate dumb and blind about this bill to now be passing

Among the myriad of crimes we know that Michael Flynn committed
His lying to the Bureau is beyond their toleration
He plea-bargained that offense to which he readily admitted
And now he is an open book; Trump’s headed for damnation

Meanwhile the Senate’s struggling to learn what’s in the bill
Four hundred pages eighty just released quite late this evening
They want to pass it yet tonight and true they likely will
With all Republicans but one in ignorance approving

For Trump and for Republicans this marks beginning of the end
The truth will out on Trump’s obstruction, hiding all his Russian ties
And Reps will suffer from their voters, back to home their Reps they’ll send
A day to be remembered, looking back from future times



Steven Mnuchin, the Sec. of Dep. Treasury
Claimed that his people were spending great energy
Proving the tax bill would pay for itself
It taxes the poor to improve donors’ wealth

This windfall the companies thus would receive
Would help grow their business and boost GDP
Which brings in more taxes that pays down the debt
Historically trickle-down hasn’t worked yet

Consumer spending’s what drives GDP
For middle-class workers their taxes increase
They’ll have less to spend; GDP may decrease
Well over a trillion our debt would increase

As it turns out no such study was done
Since Treasury’s analysts came up with none
McConnell was furious once he found out
A win on the tax bill was cast into doubt

McConnell may still have some tricks up his sleeve
We’ll know more tomorrow, meanwhile a reprieve
This bill is the meanest monstrosity yet
It’s one that the voters will never forget
