Judiciary Committee

Today the judiciaries met on the Hill
To question Rod Rosenstein over Bob Mueller
Rod, who is Deputy Attorney General,
Was pressured to oust Bob for biased behavior

Much to his credit resist them Rod did
I know Robert’s work and Fox News news is toast
Republicans clearly do want to get rid
Of Mueller’s Trump probing; he’s getting too close

Republicans on the judiciary committee
Are frantic in fear of this investigation
They must, then, expect the results won’t be pretty:
Of justice obstruction revealed to the nation

It’s part of a major campaign to discredit
Results of Bob’s efforts so none will believe
Conclusions he’s come to; but they will regret it
The rest of the country will likely agree

But while the Republicans are still in charge
No action is likely; impeachment is out
The prospects for Democrats are looming large
In twenty eighteen to take Senate and House

‘Twill be only then that Impeachment be done
For obstructing justice and Russian collusion
Meanwhile there are many a race to be won
And Dems joining in must occur in profusion


Oh My!

Winners and losers tonight, oh my!
Doug Jones, Alabama, the odds defied
To soon be its senator come next year
For Democrats winning brought lots to cheer

And even Republicans within the Senate
Breathed sighs of relief that Moore wouldn’t be in it
They are losing a seat. What a price to abide
For not having a pedophile colleague inside

Aside from Roy More, who were losers tonight?
Steve Bannon, Pres.Trump and the Tea Party caucus
But overall I’d say the most profound winners:
The women who spoke against Roy Moore the sinner


Eighteen Days

The inside-beltway brew is heating up
On White House staff, as Mueller zeros in
Upon the eighteen days, a mystery gap
From when Yates told until Trump fired Flynn

Pres. Trump did not intend Flynn to be sacked
Until the Post revealed ‘twas really so
That Flynn talked sanctions with S. Kislyak
‘Twas only after that Trump let Flynn go

That Mueller’s concentrating on this gap
Determining just where and when Trump knew
That Flynn had told the FBI false facts
Obstruction is the charge Mueller pursues

He’s clearly into facts most sensitive
Determining conspiracy as well
All pointing to our top executive
That he is close, is child’s play to tell

Defenders of the President erupted
With leveling gross accusations on
The Mueller team, who all have been corrupted
You can’t trust anything they’ve worked upon

They are the worst; they all should go to jail
Their prejudiced conclusions be ignored
Their arguments won’t hold since facts prevail
Before grand juries. Mueller has last words

And even if Trump try’s to fire Mueller
An action he most likely wants to do
Not yet convinced by heads that are much cooler
Trump does what he desires; that’s nothing new

A massacre it would turn out to be
Ensuring repercussions beyond scope
Though Trump might win a local victory
The longer run, my answer would be nope!


The Race

The race in Alabama now looms large
The polling there is unreliable
The race is close, that’s undeniable
It’s hard to say who’ll end up with the charge

Pres. Trump recorded robocalls for all
Those Alabamans sitting on the fence
A vote for Moore is voting progress hence
To further Trump’s agenda, building walls

But Jones’s signs are seen most everywhere
His ground game’s very strong; get out the vote
Especially the blacks, and taking note
That women’s votes for Moore might not be there

It’s anybody’s guess who will have won
The Senate seat Jeff Sessions occupied
Most pundits think that Moore won’t be denied
But I’d call it for Jones, an upset done


Win Win

A prominent Dem. Senator was questioned just a day ago
“Which would you rather, Senator, for Moore to lose or Moore to win?”
The senator with sheepish grin said “That’s a hard one, I don’t know;
To gain a seat that was Republican, or paste that pervert on their pompous skin.”

Another drama currently in play between the House and Senate leaders on both sides
Is budgeting the government next year; the funds run out this month, there ain’t no more
The Reps don’t have the votes to jam it through. On this they need the Dems in for the ride
The Dems tallied their priorities as well like Dreamers, CHIP and funding for the poor

The Reps desire sequestered monies military. The Dems demand each dollar matched in kind
To shore up social programs. That’s anathema to Republicans. It is a stand-off very classical
If unresolved the government shuts down; and who to blame will be in voter’s minds
They’ll blame the party that’s in power: Republicans by name, The Demos have the leverage here fantastical

For the Dems these both are now win wins. But not the kind where both sides victory gain
It is the kind where either outcome favors most the same side; the other side in either case are losers
This is refreshing midst the loud cacophony of rhetoric and secret scheming of McConnell’s brain
I do look forward to November next, to win control as voters overwhelm the voting polls to choose us.



Much as we’ve predicted right-wing onslaughts have begun
Aimed against Bob Mueller and the Special Counsel’s team
Not just Fox-News detractors some in Congress joined the fun
Getting cues from Murdoch’s Journal accusations low and mean

They cited Peter Strzok who was ousted months ago
For sending messages on Trump, as negative construable
They’ve magnified this to encompass all the team as though is known
That they are biased in their work, their findings unreliable

The pro Trump people must move fast before indictments more will come
It soon will reach that fabled point beyond which there is no return
It’s now or never stopping Mueller, otherwise his will be done
With Donald Trump’s young Presidency doomed to early crash and burn



Ask anyone aware, what is the capital of Israel?
Of course he’ll say Jerusalem. On every map it is so labeled
And being there you’d have no doubt, not difficult at all to tell
The beautiful Knesset, seat of Jewish government enabled

That Trump acknowledged what exists changed really nothing on the ground
For one and seventy tough years it’s been the nation’s capital
So why the fuss Trump’s declaration seemed to cause the globe around?
Why does this force the Muslim world to act in ways inimical?

As well, the Western World’s response is one of hyper condemnation
And Palestinians reply: this kills the dual-state solution
Why, then, did Trump announce this now, what was his likely motivation?
He spoke for evangelicals to help Roy Moore win his election

Although I’m loathe to like his motive, I’m not negative on his deed
Arab Muslims will complain but that will shortly taper down
Our embassies in Muslim lands, increased defense they’ll have to heed
Demonstrations will diminish since no changes on the ground

What about Jerusalem and talks on Palestinian statehood
The declaration doesn’t change the stalemates of negotiations
Nor their possible solutions. Let these words be understood:
Jerusalem will always be the Capital of the Jewish nation



The rising social movement sweeping Trump to become President
‘Though labeled ultra nationalists, they’re really anti globalists
Beginnings of retrenchment from the current one-world sentiment
That will, for many years to come influence world politics

We see our democratic norms up ended by Republicans
With Trump’s clear violations overlooked, ignored, excused
We see a hated tax bill rammed through House and Senate sans
Traditional procedures that the leadership refused

We see the President endorse a child-molesting candidate
The RNC then followed suit endorsing him as well
He’s running for the Senate that will need his vote to legislate
The end outweighs the means, Me first! The rest can go to Hell

I’m not a prophet, nor one’s son; I see that which I see
The Trumpian phenomenon is not a true black swan
But, rather it’s the harbinger of future times to be
It may take decades of this trend before we see it gone



Barnum, Bailey step aside
You’re being upstaged from inside
The DC beltway where resides
The Presidential Carnival

The White House and the Congress vie
In efforts ludicrous they try
It’s funny such to make one cry
The acts within the Carnival

Ring Master Trump is center stage
His tweets have made the news, front page
Admitting crime in fits of rage
It happened in the Carnival

Trump’s legal clowns, John Dowd, Ty Cobb:
Dowd said he did the twitter job
Not Trump. ‘Twas his mistake; oh sob
No truth within the Carnival

And Cobb said ‘twill be over soon
It must have been the super moon
A fantasy, a loony tune
Sooth saying in the Carnival

Congress partway passed a bill
On taxes ‘gainst the people’s will
And no one’s even read the bill
A side show of the Carnival

And then there’s NK’s Kim Jong-un
Who, trading insults with Trumpoon
He threatens nuclear typhoons
Then poof!, there’s no more Carnival


Trump’s Thinking

This title may an oxymoron be
But think what must be churning in Trump’s mind
His former confident has copped a plea
To keep his son and self from bars behind

Trump knows precisely what Flynn’s all about
What Flynn has told, will tell the Mueller team
I doubt Trump’s told the whole to Cobb and Dowd
His lawyers for defense, so it would seem

They mollify their boss with rosy news
The probe will end before this year is gone
They are the only ones who state this view
But Trump’s aware this probe will carry on

He must discredit what Mike Flynn will tell
Since Mueller now will have the full details
He must cast doubt on Mueller’s work as well
To keep his kids from ending up in jail

Trump knows for what he’s done, he’d be impeached
If even half of it is brought to light
He could, with Mueller, an agreement reach
To spare his kids, upon which he’d resign
