Tax cuts for the well-to-do and jobs, perhaps a few
Tomorrow it becomes official once Trump signs the bill
Some eighty three percent of cuts to one percent accrues
With loop holes benefiting Trump and senators as well
With this one Act Republicans have transformed our democracy
In blatant, naked, selfish greed into a true kleptocracy
What happened to the moderates: Bob Corker, Susan Collins?
Sen. Collins bargained with McConnell over health insurance
He would include funds in the budget if she’d vote the bill in
And Susan, perhaps gullibly, accepted his assurance
In Maine, throughout, her protesters loud shouted out these words
In desperation, “Kill the bill!”. She acted like she hadn’t heard
Surreptitiously slipped in the bill by Senate conferees
A clause that later got the name: the Corker Kickback Clause
Designed to buy Bob Corker’s vote, who’d voted with the nays
The Senate bill raised debt too much, it really was too flawed
The final version of the bill still raised the self same debt
But Corker’s new position was resoundingly, you bet!
The bill contains incentives to repatriate large sums
Of out of country holdings and of jobs now over seas
But these incentives actually discourage bringing home
The money and the foreign jobs. Observe and you will see
This act, the most unpopular in over thirty years
Will dearly cost the GOP when balloting is here