Judiciary Committee

Today the judiciaries met on the Hill
To question Rod Rosenstein over Bob Mueller
Rod, who is Deputy Attorney General,
Was pressured to oust Bob for biased behavior

Much to his credit resist them Rod did
I know Robert’s work and Fox News news is toast
Republicans clearly do want to get rid
Of Mueller’s Trump probing; he’s getting too close

Republicans on the judiciary committee
Are frantic in fear of this investigation
They must, then, expect the results won’t be pretty:
Of justice obstruction revealed to the nation

It’s part of a major campaign to discredit
Results of Bob’s efforts so none will believe
Conclusions he’s come to; but they will regret it
The rest of the country will likely agree

But while the Republicans are still in charge
No action is likely; impeachment is out
The prospects for Democrats are looming large
In twenty eighteen to take Senate and House

‘Twill be only then that Impeachment be done
For obstructing justice and Russian collusion
Meanwhile there are many a race to be won
And Dems joining in must occur in profusion


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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