Win Win

A prominent Dem. Senator was questioned just a day ago
“Which would you rather, Senator, for Moore to lose or Moore to win?”
The senator with sheepish grin said “That’s a hard one, I don’t know;
To gain a seat that was Republican, or paste that pervert on their pompous skin.”

Another drama currently in play between the House and Senate leaders on both sides
Is budgeting the government next year; the funds run out this month, there ain’t no more
The Reps don’t have the votes to jam it through. On this they need the Dems in for the ride
The Dems tallied their priorities as well like Dreamers, CHIP and funding for the poor

The Reps desire sequestered monies military. The Dems demand each dollar matched in kind
To shore up social programs. That’s anathema to Republicans. It is a stand-off very classical
If unresolved the government shuts down; and who to blame will be in voter’s minds
They’ll blame the party that’s in power: Republicans by name, The Demos have the leverage here fantastical

For the Dems these both are now win wins. But not the kind where both sides victory gain
It is the kind where either outcome favors most the same side; the other side in either case are losers
This is refreshing midst the loud cacophony of rhetoric and secret scheming of McConnell’s brain
I do look forward to November next, to win control as voters overwhelm the voting polls to choose us.


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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