Barnum, Bailey step aside
You’re being upstaged from inside
The DC beltway where resides
The Presidential Carnival
The White House and the Congress vie
In efforts ludicrous they try
It’s funny such to make one cry
The acts within the Carnival
Ring Master Trump is center stage
His tweets have made the news, front page
Admitting crime in fits of rage
It happened in the Carnival
Trump’s legal clowns, John Dowd, Ty Cobb:
Dowd said he did the twitter job
Not Trump. ‘Twas his mistake; oh sob
No truth within the Carnival
And Cobb said ‘twill be over soon
It must have been the super moon
A fantasy, a loony tune
Sooth saying in the Carnival
Congress partway passed a bill
On taxes ‘gainst the people’s will
And no one’s even read the bill
A side show of the Carnival
And then there’s NK’s Kim Jong-un
Who, trading insults with Trumpoon
He threatens nuclear typhoons
Then poof!, there’s no more Carnival