Steven Mnuchin, the Sec. of Dep. Treasury
Claimed that his people were spending great energy
Proving the tax bill would pay for itself
It taxes the poor to improve donors’ wealth
This windfall the companies thus would receive
Would help grow their business and boost GDP
Which brings in more taxes that pays down the debt
Historically trickle-down hasn’t worked yet
Consumer spending’s what drives GDP
For middle-class workers their taxes increase
They’ll have less to spend; GDP may decrease
Well over a trillion our debt would increase
As it turns out no such study was done
Since Treasury’s analysts came up with none
McConnell was furious once he found out
A win on the tax bill was cast into doubt
McConnell may still have some tricks up his sleeve
We’ll know more tomorrow, meanwhile a reprieve
This bill is the meanest monstrosity yet
It’s one that the voters will never forget