Tax Cuts and Jobs


Tomorrow the House votes on Tax Cuts and Jobs
Tax cuts for wealthies who need it the least
And for corporations this bill is a feast
While upper m.c. of their wealth will be robbed

The trickle-down jobs will appear in a trickle
The large corporations are not shy of cash
Their tax cuts will simply add more to their stash
Demand drives expansion, which has been most fickle

The Reps have been limiting increasing debt
Keeping it under a trillion point five
To do that our safety nets may not survive
That’s Soc, Sec. and Medicare, Medicaid, you bet

And lastly they’ve stricken the ACA mandate
This drops thirteen million from insurance rolls
And raises the premiums on those still enrolled
So Adelson, Mercer and Koch still will pay

It may pass the House, since its members are desperate
They need such a win this year, that’s where they’re at
But voters don’t like this bill: two to one stats
And passing could back fire next year for the candidate


Nuclear Missiles

There’s much talk these days about nuclear war
As seen in the context of Trump’s personality
Where he’s demonstrated severe instabilities
A new situation we’ve not seen before

Nuclear missiles deployed land and sea
Can seconds be sent any place on this Globe
And shower destruction above and below
Just one man, the President now has the key

And no one can stop him nor stop missile flights
Except that the President, minutes has he
To order that warheads destruct harmlessly
In case what was judged an attack was not right

‘Till now we’ve eschewed a preemptive attack
Our missiles were strictly deployed for deterrence
Our friends and our enemies bought our assurance
But Trump has reversed that, their real trust we lack

Debates now in Congress addressing this issue
Of Trump’s unilateral nuke-war authority
Are searching approaches for dual authority
Requiring two to agree to nuke’s use

The answer’s not simple; response times are minutes
The Second would need what the President needs
Nuke keys and world briefings to keep up to speed
The VP’s a natural this role to fit in it



Moore’s Fifth and Trump’s Trip



Moore’s fifth accuser is Beverly Johnson
She tear told her story on public TV
Of Moore’s rape attempt fighting off his advances
This happened when she was a girl of sixteen

Republican Senators altered their tune
And called for Roy Moore to get out of the race
But Roy is not quitting he’s shooting the moon
And most Evangelicals hie to his place

Returning tomorrow from Asia, Trump flies
Having berated our past presidents
And sullied Intelligence men with all his lies
While lauding dictators, what they represent

Each country outdid itself lavishing praise
The red-carpet treatment which makes Trump swell proud
He’s putty so treated, no issues are raised
That challenge his host, no Press questions allowed

Beyond the glad handing no gains tangible
Were accomplished this trip, lots of money was spent
It’s back to the tax bill and Mueller probe terrible
And likely the voters will this trip resent




My poems of late have been pretty serious. That’s because today’s political situation has been and remains serious. So for my (and your amusement) I’m including a poem I wrote for this BLOG a year and a half ago. Unfortunately the last two lines didn’t come to pass, although I think Trump sometimes wishes they had. The second poem is back to today.

I Am the Perfect Pattern
Apologies to H.M.S. Pinafore

I am the perfect pattern of a pompous party candidate
My followers are swallowers of all that I prevaricate
It doesn’t matter that my chatter lacks of true consistency
They cheer at what they hear because I chatter so convincingly

I’m master at manipulating media attentiveness
Opponents, when capitulating, broadcast their resentfulness
Their slights delight me in that they enhance my popularity
But then they board my wagon praising me with all sincerity

Prevailing in the primaries, it has become quite evident
That January twentieth, I’ll be sworn in as President
I’ll be the news when I refuse; this nightmare has been haunting me
The Presidency’s not for me, too much responsibility.



The President revealed his colors: red, not white nor blue
He worldly demonstrated he’s so gullible a fool
In talks with KGB trained master, Trump devoid of clue
Was taken in by master Putin, Putin’s puppet tool

It’s Putin he believes, not Brennan, neither Clapper too
He labeled them as hacks, including Comey in his slight
Each of these men served decades in intelligence pursuits
They’ve spied our adversaries and they’ve put their lives on line

This love affair with Putin hints of deeper Kremlin ties
Steel’s dossier on Trump and Russia: much is proven true
Conspiracy is criminal, Trump’s statements have been lies
The President revealed his colors: red, not white nor blue



Exit polling in Virginia gave the why’s behind the votes
Many voters cast their ballots simply to say no to Trump
Sizeable among those voters was a group I’d like to note
Who were basically embarrassed: Trump in office and the stump

Gross his language, gross behavior, labels used to vilify
Sullying the image of United States abroad
Their children must not emulate this President, his lies
He’s not the good example, one that they’d feel free to laud

The polls revealed another group, the diehard Trump supporters
Who revel in Trump’s language, he says things the way they think
Only, they had been inhibited lest their words become reported
But now veneer has vanished; they speak freely words that stink

Labels are identifiers not pejoratives
Used to injure or demean demeans one’s sanity
Thus weaponized they undercut debate’s alternatives
And smother our democracy with gross inanities

I do applaud those voters who by Trump’s words were repelled
It matters not which Party, gross behavior is condemned
The answer is the ballot box and may the numbers swell
To oust the Trump regime and to this grossness put an end


If This Is True

Yesterday’s poem was a bit on Roy Moore
His tryst with Leigh Corfman when she was fourteen
And he, thirty two, some four decades before
Take time, read the article; see what you glean

Republican Congressmen: “If this is true,
Roy should have himself removed from the race
For Jeff Session’s seat.” Except for a few
Who said sans conditionals: “Roy’s a disgrace!”

The latest of polls taken in Alabama
Have Doug and Roy tied, 43 percent each
From the wave Democratic we saw in Virginia
A win for Doug Jones is not out of his reach

The losers in this are McConnell and Ryan
Who haven’t the guts to call Roy Moore out
Who hide ‘neath conditionals, which side is lying
So do read the article; whom do you doubt?



Oops! How could I do it
I did think I knew it
But really I blew it
His name is Judge Moore

However one spells it
I’m sure you can tell it
Perhaps, even smell it
Judge Moore is a boor


Two Topics


Two topics tonight dominated the news
Alabaman Roy Moore candidate for the Senate
When younger a pedophile, he was accused
But senators first will deplore then forget it

For most Alabamans there ain’t nothing worse
Than voting for Dems; they’d have rather elected
A bigoted pedophile named Judge Roy Moore
Instead of Doug Jones who is highly respected

News topic two concerns Trump’s China sojourn
A speech he delivered to Xi’s diplomats
Who, based on Trump’s rallies and tweets super stern,
Expected Trump’s ire rather than brown-nosed complements

Trump blamed U.S. Presidents of past regimes
For China’s reluctance to level the fields
Of imports and exports a recurrent theme
Their market restrictions where they wouldn’t yield

China bestowed Trump the red-carpet treatment
And flattered him lavishly inside and out
Some business concessions Trump’s only achievement
On NK and trade that there’s change I would doubt




As of tonight China’s hosting the President
So far in his speeches he’s stuck to the script
China’s the key to an NK rapprochement
Trump hopes to persuade Xi to be far more strict

Xi will Trump compliment, flattering Trump’s vision
But won’t change his policy helping NK
He’ll try to get Trump to reverse his position
But once Trump pronounces he won’t back away

This standoff could lead to a likely scenario:
Trump under pressure from Mueller’s indictments
Together with Kim hurling taunts to Trump’s ego
Trump might decide to divert with excitement

General McMaster had spoken out publicly
A land war was needed to take out Kim’s nukes
I think he was tactically hiding the strategy
Of massive, preemptive air strikes as rebukes

Exposed missile launchers and massive artillery
They’d target with weapons designed for these threats
And minimize from their artillery casualties
Suffered in Seoul, justified, no regrets

Trump, somewhat cognizant, with such persuasion
Might order McMaster to go with the plan
To teach Kim a lesson; attention diversion
And rescue his Presidency all that he can




Not like a year ago, this time Dems won
Congrats to Ralf Northam, Phil Murphy and others
Who won overwhelmingly all said and done
And sent Reps a message: Trump’s era is over

This clearly bodes well for the mid-term elections
The number one issue beside Trump, himself
Was health care: the Reps pushing for its rejection
And no real improvements of life that’s been felt

Paul Ryan on seeing this must be dismayed
As much a rejection of him as of Trump
How many House members will all this persuade
To distance themselves both from him and from Trump?

The Democrats won as an anti-Trump vote
But that by itself likely isn’t enough
To regain the House; really they must promote
New approaches to solving old ills that are tough
