Danger to the World


Matt Lauer, latest victim of the sexual revolution,
Co-anchor of “Today” on NBC, today was canned
Another prime example of my maxim explanation
That power-men with high libido prey because they can

‘Though headlined in the nation’s press, it’s not my prime concern
What worries me is Trump, the man, becoming more delusional
A con man who has conned himself, true facts he always spurns
When they don’t fit his world view; he makes up things ephemeral

And then believes them to be true and makes decisions falsely based
This happens mostly when he’s stressed, a state he’s suffered much of late
He’s borderline psychotic; that’s his sickness that we all must face
And have the will to boot him out or suffer consequential fates

Republicans in Congress couldn’t have a better president
Who doesn’t care what’s in a bill; he’ll sign whatever’s in his sight
He’ll wax profound about a bill and tell us how it’s relevant
To what we want, whereas in fact it is the actual opposite

So neither Congress nor the Vice will act to oust the President
His Twitter storms, his flaunting norms all indicate his ignorance
His lack of fitness for the job increasingly is evident
He is a danger to the world. We must remove his influence


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to Poelitic@Poelitics.net

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