Let’s talk of tax turkey and gobbledygook
Just listen, they really don’t want you to look
On reading their bill, might you up be all shook
The Republicans know they’ve got you on the hook
The tax breaks for corps. is a waste of your money
The cash they’ve got gathering dust’s more than plenty
It’s not trickled down ‘cause demand there’s not any
It’s middle-class spending makes jobs for the many
The tax bill assumes GDP growth to be
On average four decimal points over three
To staunch debt increases of trillions, indeed
Destruction from hurricanes yearly they’d need
Tax breaks Indian given to M.C. employees
Plus changes to cause premiums to increase
On health-care insurance, the whole industry
And Medicare, Medicaid cuts soon we’ll see
The thing that Republicans all love in mass
Are bills for the wealthy that lower their tax
And who has to pay for it, the middle class
Some form of this bill will eventually pass