Sexually Correct Part I


It’s political now to be sexually correct
Respectful, polite with the opposite sex
Except if you’re President these norms don’t apply
Or running for Senate and know how to lie

Twelve women on Trump and on Moore there were eight
Recalled lurid tales of advances unwanted
Convincingly honest what each did relate
Both men claim these stories were falsely invented

There’s also the case against Senator Franken
Who kissed Leeann Tweeden on a USO tour
She agreed to the kiss in the skit they were making
But he came on too strong; he was being a boor

Then there’s also the picture that was taken in jest
While Leeann was asleep on a plane fully dressed
Of Al placing his hands on her vest o’er her breasts
With his head turned around grinning back at the rest

This was stupid Al admitted looking back eleven years
And apologized to Leeann, which she graciously accepted
So, then, why am I discussing this? It’s old news it appears
It’s the prologue to a second poem coming soon it’s expected


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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