
My poems of late have been pretty serious. That’s because today’s political situation has been and remains serious. So for my (and your amusement) I’m including a poem I wrote for this BLOG a year and a half ago. Unfortunately the last two lines didn’t come to pass, although I think Trump sometimes wishes they had. The second poem is back to today.

I Am the Perfect Pattern
Apologies to H.M.S. Pinafore

I am the perfect pattern of a pompous party candidate
My followers are swallowers of all that I prevaricate
It doesn’t matter that my chatter lacks of true consistency
They cheer at what they hear because I chatter so convincingly

I’m master at manipulating media attentiveness
Opponents, when capitulating, broadcast their resentfulness
Their slights delight me in that they enhance my popularity
But then they board my wagon praising me with all sincerity

Prevailing in the primaries, it has become quite evident
That January twentieth, I’ll be sworn in as President
I’ll be the news when I refuse; this nightmare has been haunting me
The Presidency’s not for me, too much responsibility.



The President revealed his colors: red, not white nor blue
He worldly demonstrated he’s so gullible a fool
In talks with KGB trained master, Trump devoid of clue
Was taken in by master Putin, Putin’s puppet tool

It’s Putin he believes, not Brennan, neither Clapper too
He labeled them as hacks, including Comey in his slight
Each of these men served decades in intelligence pursuits
They’ve spied our adversaries and they’ve put their lives on line

This love affair with Putin hints of deeper Kremlin ties
Steel’s dossier on Trump and Russia: much is proven true
Conspiracy is criminal, Trump’s statements have been lies
The President revealed his colors: red, not white nor blue


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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