Two Topics


Two topics tonight dominated the news
Alabaman Roy Moore candidate for the Senate
When younger a pedophile, he was accused
But senators first will deplore then forget it

For most Alabamans there ain’t nothing worse
Than voting for Dems; they’d have rather elected
A bigoted pedophile named Judge Roy Moore
Instead of Doug Jones who is highly respected

News topic two concerns Trump’s China sojourn
A speech he delivered to Xi’s diplomats
Who, based on Trump’s rallies and tweets super stern,
Expected Trump’s ire rather than brown-nosed complements

Trump blamed U.S. Presidents of past regimes
For China’s reluctance to level the fields
Of imports and exports a recurrent theme
Their market restrictions where they wouldn’t yield

China bestowed Trump the red-carpet treatment
And flattered him lavishly inside and out
Some business concessions Trump’s only achievement
On NK and trade that there’s change I would doubt


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

One thought on “Two Topics”

  1. Compare Republican outrage expressed
    Whether real or just political
    At Obama’s “apology tour”
    To change approaches from previous admin

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