History’s fraught with many gods but now they’ve dwindled down to two
Believers claim their god’s unique; the name’s the same for each god too
It matters not, Jehovah, Allah, each god’s known by all such names
To each the other god’s a fraud and clearly couldn’t be the same
A god of Love, a god of Hate; the Zoroaster deities
In each religion Western style, historically they’ve suffered these
In modern Islam both exist; eventually one will win out
But meanwhile terror seems to reign, the god of hate without a doubt
Their god of hate in terror strikes with relative impunity
Devout adherents of that faith self righteous in their killing sprees
The latest in Manhattan’s paths: a truck that struck the bikers down
He murdered eight and injured twelve, as Sayfullo Saipor he is known
A man devout with family who’s faith: Islamic god of hate,
Propelled him to this monstrous act all sanctioned by the Caliphate
And he expected to be killed and go in joy, a hero great
Instead he lived and now must face a prison life, the worst of fates
And we do mourn the lives deceased, condolence to their families
Good people out on Halloween enjoying Autumn’s lovely eve
To be struck down to foment terror honored by the god of hate
It won’t work there, it won’t work here nor elsewhere in United States!