One Hellish Decision



I’ve lately been watching one Senato Burr
Who heads the Select Senate Intel Committee
He claimed to’ve been stopped; further findings deterred
Because Christopher Steele he would next have to see

Burr’s got lots of questions ‘bout Steele’s dossier
Like who put the funding and who were his sources?
Such data an agent’s not free to relay
Nor does it shed light as a matter of course

My sense is: Burr’s stalling, delaying the day
That fateful tomorrow when he must admit
The Steele dossier to its core was okay
Its major assertions were proven legit

It’s why Donald Trump is so much in a panic
It’s why he’s so desperate to shut the probe down
He knows what is true, once revealed, he can’t ban it
His Presidency will be drummed out of town

So Senator Burr we can’t blame you for trying
To slow down this railroad, delaying collision
But surely it’s obvious, there’s no denying
That Congress is due for one hellish decision


One, Two


One, two, buckle my shoe
I got a secret, but won’t tell you
Three, four, shut the door
It’s now the calm before the storm
Five, six, pick up sticks
Nothing left beyond my fix
Seven, eight, shut the gate
The Iran Accord I really hate
Nine, ten, start again
Tillerson’s gone, but I won’t say when

One, two, buckle my shoe


Another Update


Reportedly Trump threw a furious tantrum
That Tillerson publicly called him a moron
And would’t retract the report as fake news
My guess is that’s Tillerson’s real point of view

Like I said yesterday, I’ve little doubt
That this Secretary is on his way out
But who would replace him to be undercut
By a moronic Trump, who one never could trust?

Trump sounds like he’s killing the deal with Iran
Claiming they haven’t met terms of the ban
But Iran will say: point to one thing we’ve not done
Trump then will review all the primaries he’s won

It’s coming to pass that the Steele dossier
Is gaining in prominence, each Mueller day
It won’t be long now as the evidence mounts
That Trump will fire Mueller to turn things about




Good Senator Corker this morning observed
That Tillerson, Mattis and Kelly do serve
To keep this fair country from chaos abounding
Since Trump’s so chaotic it’s more than astounding

Rex Tillerson’s moron remark uncontested
Except by his personal staff’s retrospective
By all indications he’s on his way out
He may last to year’s end, but I have my doubts

Tillerson, Mattis, Mnuchin in fact
Have entered themselves in a suicide pact
If one of them’s fired, the others resign
We may see that happen in Tillerson’s time

What’s further, John Kelly was kicked off the plane
There on Air Force One, Trump behaving insane
John Kelly might quit by the end of this week
Back to the chaos this President seeks

An ardent observer, this all makes me sad
Though Clinton made errors, her efforts weren’t bad
I feel that the massive fake news by the Russians
Continues succeeding in chaos that’s crushing


Ho Hum


Yesterday’s poem was quite pessimistic
I simply was trying to be realistic
By quoting the numbers, the gruesome statistics
It caused me to feel just a little sadistic

There’s no news that’s new to report for today
Puerto Rico saw Trump’s narcissistic displays
Republicans dodging; it’s still time to pray
We’ll talk about gun laws on some distant day

There was some news yesterday, maybe before
Our Sec. State, Rex Tillerson, not to ignore
The threat North Korea may pose to our shore
Joined with them for talks taking place ‘hind closed doors

Of course when Trump heard of this, he tweeted out
That Rex need not bother, Trump’s through, tweetered out
We’ll show Rocket Man our military clout
Meanwhile, please don’t bother me since I’m tuning out

So as you can see there’s no news that is fresh
Trump’s misbehavior is what we expect
Republicans stuck on repeat and rehash
Democrats in the doldrums hardly making a splash



Las Vegas Massacre


It’s over one hundred and seventy massacres
With rifles designed to assault foreign troops
This time in Vegas some fifty nine to inter
And over five hundred in hospital rooms

Somehow I am having a de-ja-vu spell

This killer was clever; he planned in advance
The festival’s end, many thousands attend
Getting above them would heighten his chance
With powerful machine guns bring more to life’s end

What happens now has been scripted as well

I know none of the casualties, none of the dead
I can mouth words of sorrow, wear a glum face
And feel it like natural disasters instead
Except this disaster I blame this one place

The NRA fanatics are like demons from Hell

They’ve got the Republicans under their grip
Do their demands else you’re out of a job
No gun regulations, no limits one bit
The gun manufacturers calling the shots

We’ll hear pious platitudes as usual, do tell

Surely this act is the worst we have seen
And thinking of lost ones, I am sick at heart
Especially doubting a change in the scene
Inaction, no changes, ’twas true from the start

For the next massacre let’s start ringing the bell



Modern Middle-Class Miracle


Modern Middle-Class Miracle

I’ve read the Trump tax code and I am impressed
At first read it is something more than I expected
Its far from complete, many things not addressed
But I’d say this first attempt’s to be respected

One goal is to simplify tax preparation
As is they are well on their way, much to tell
Achieved by eliminating itemized deductions
Except for home mortgages, charity as well

One thing I’m not happy with, estate-tax removal
‘Twas created to ensure against dynastic wealth
Trump railed about hardships on farms sans approvals
From East to West eighty farms might it be felt

Most corporate taxes are small-business pass-throughs
Trump’s code taxes pass-throughs at 25 percent
He’s also gotten rid of those minimum taxes
That seems to me reasonable, their usefulness spent

It’s really too early to judge the full impact
Of all these proposals o’er much longer spans
The code as it stands’s missing too many facts
As well, special-interests will get what they can
