Inconsistencies plethoric characterize Trump’s regime
Trump reverses so often his staff members scream
That’s why nothing, that’s nothing gets done, it would seem
Plus the staff he has hired, of the crop, not the cream
An exception, however, his Cabinet candidates
An amazing consistency choosing these reprobates
Excepting his generals, they suffer a common state
Of being opposed to what their fiefdom regulates
One such was Tom Price, former HHS Secretary
Who appointed E. Scott Lloyd to head the subsidiary
Office resettling caught refugees ordinary
Lloyd, inexperienced, but abortionist extraordinary
Jane Doe, seventeen, fleeing violent atrocities
Was captured, confined in a Texas facility
Under Lloyd’s supervision of the Texas bureaucracy
He refused to allow her to abort early pregnancy
Due to ACLU she was finally permitted
To have her abortion, her persistence requited
This is just one example of persons unfitted
The jobs they’re assigned by a boss so dim witted