It’s Hard To Decide


It’s hard to decide what disgusting to write
Psychotic behavior by Trump on this day
Paul Ryan’s absurd take on Corker and Flake
Republican Senators quaking in fright

Trump so informed us just how brilliant his brain
In that he went to Wharton, an ivy-league school
His recall is perfect; his manner is cool
Myeshia was under too much of a strain

Paul Ryan decried Corker’s ongoing feud
As well as Jeff Flake’s with the Rep. president
They should say things quietly when giving vent
The Party’s appearance united we stood

Republican Senators caught in between
A rock and a hard place: their honor or seat
Their honor so far seems to be in retreat
They haven’t the guts to cut Trump from the scene

Paul Ryan knows well that a feud this is not
It’s a clarion call on the dangers ahead
But into a dark place he’s sticking his head
A profile in cowardice will be his lot

Trump can’t say he’s sorry he was misunderstood
To a grieving war widow who is missing her mate
He, instead, touts his memory since that’s what’s at stake
Trump’s lack of sincerity, comforting words

My sense is the world is still holding it breath
While Trump and his Congress are playing their games
And as things deteriorate keep dodging the blame
This last line, I hesitate since it ends with death




Author: Sabba Rabba

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