Trump Speak


Once upon the spoken word
Those broken phrases we have heard
A dialect unique, absurd
Or comments better off deferred

The code of Trump, what thus we glean
His phrases, what they really mean
A true translation, coming clean
It’s known as Trump-speak, really keen

“Believe me” means it isn’t true
While “fake-news”: can’t deny
“Was told” means that he made it up
Not very big is “huge”
“I’ll tell you in two weeks”: that’s never
“I’m best at all and I know more”
He heard it all on Breitbart News
“My base are really, really great”
“Those stupid dolts believe my tweets”
But they’re so “very, very, very not bad”

It’s now your turn to have your say
Your favorite Trump-speaks of the day
By Comment, Email, either way
And if you don’t that, too’s okay




Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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