Trump’s Biggest Mistake


What’s Congress now supposed to do
Since they’ve been tossed the hot potato
While Trump our credibility destroyed
The signatories all incredibly annoyed
No longer leader, we once were de facto
They’ve sixty days to levy sanctions new

And if they do, that abrogates the deal
Iran could then resume its nuc ambitions
And we’d be isolated in that action
The other nations wouldn’t join with sanctions
Nor have we leverage to impose restrictions
This makes the likelihood of war quite real

Since our Agreements now cannot be trusted
The North Koreans have strong rationale
To build their nuclear weapons in defense
With Trump, it is the path which makes most sense
The US can in faith no longer deal
And there’ll be many ways that we’ll be tested



Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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