Las Vegas Massacre


It’s over one hundred and seventy massacres
With rifles designed to assault foreign troops
This time in Vegas some fifty nine to inter
And over five hundred in hospital rooms

Somehow I am having a de-ja-vu spell

This killer was clever; he planned in advance
The festival’s end, many thousands attend
Getting above them would heighten his chance
With powerful machine guns bring more to life’s end

What happens now has been scripted as well

I know none of the casualties, none of the dead
I can mouth words of sorrow, wear a glum face
And feel it like natural disasters instead
Except this disaster I blame this one place

The NRA fanatics are like demons from Hell

They’ve got the Republicans under their grip
Do their demands else you’re out of a job
No gun regulations, no limits one bit
The gun manufacturers calling the shots

We’ll hear pious platitudes as usual, do tell

Surely this act is the worst we have seen
And thinking of lost ones, I am sick at heart
Especially doubting a change in the scene
Inaction, no changes, ’twas true from the start

For the next massacre let’s start ringing the bell



Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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