Topics Three


Three current topics worthy of concern discussed tonight:
The largest hurricane of history will be soon off shore
Pyongyang’s H-bomb claims are deemed in essence to be right
The Dreamer Act was given to be valid six months more

The cat. five Irma with sustained winds reaching one eight five
And with a core diameter two hundred miles wide
Will likely strike our south-east coast within a week and drive
Destruction catastrophic; many people will have died

Kim’s tests and photographs provide convincing evidence
Of H-bomb capability long-range missile flights
No scorched-Earth threats will now reverse Kim Jong-un’s stubborn stance
To be now treated with respect befitting ones of might

The President, fulfilling his most unwise campaign promise
Today rescinded DACA, to take place in half a year
Within said time a Dreamer Act is to be passed by Congress
If not, he’ll reconsider. Dreamers’ lives are fraught with fear

Meanwhile, Congress back at work at how its money’s spent
Dealing with the ceiling of the debt and with the budget
Funding both for Harvey and to run the Government
A daunting situation for a Congress so inept



Labor Day

A Miner

A miner is a man whose flesh is meshed with steel
His eyes are primed with dirt and grime
And mud beneath his heels
His wit as sharp as drilling bits
His language black as coal
But none so sound as under ground
A miner knows his soul

Circa 1953

Labor Day

I’ve worked the railroad and the mines
I’ve worked with wet-backs trucking grapes
I’ve worked to service cars and trucks
And many other jobs I’ve done
It makes me humble in the face
Of those who’ve labored all their lives

A holiday for laborers made law in eighteen ninety four
After a labor union strike turned riot leaving dozens dead
They struck for living wages and conditions where they worked
Twelve hours a day all seven days from ages six until they died
So many violent strikes it took; so many killed to bring about
The benefits of work today we take for granted blithely so

Industrial revolution which the workers tried to sabotage
Has given way in this new age to smart technologies
Displacing workers as before and fewer jobs for laborers
And competition for good jobs has now gone world wide
Where education will prevail, the lesser ones will fail
Our nation must prioritize our schooling lest we fade




Dear Mr Trump, esteemed President
We address you as most-our-lives residents
We came here as youngsters
Don’t treat us like gangsters
Our allegiance has always been evident

The fact that our folks are not citizens
But for many years US denizens
They fled from oppression
And outright aggression
And we had no choice but to come with them

We want to remain as Americans
And all that we know is American
It’s where we’ve been raised
Our parents be praised
For bringing us here to America

We’re labeled by many as Dreamers
But some people think we are schemers
Please don’t DACA cancel
We’d all be most thankful
And praise you with banners and streamers


Unless We Take Action


It has been determined that Harvey’s deluge
Caused flooding the worst that our records record
A thousand-year flood, with destruction that’s huge
And the death of at least thirty two; there’ll be more

On average a fifty-year flood should occur
Once every fifty years; that’s what is meant
Since two thousand ten Houston town and suburbs
Have hosted four five-hundred-year flood events

Also on TV news, India experiencing
Monstrous monsoons leaving some thousands dead
And multiple thousands of homes it’s demolishing
Leaving survivors sans hope and with dread

Hurricane Irma has just formulated
In the Atlantic some eight days away
It looks like this season is truly ill fated
For death and destruction, the worst to this day

So wake up deniers! The climate is warming
All prior statistics no longer apply
The climate has changed. This is just the beginning
Unless we take measures we’ll dwindle and die
