Three current topics worthy of concern discussed tonight:
The largest hurricane of history will be soon off shore
Pyongyang’s H-bomb claims are deemed in essence to be right
The Dreamer Act was given to be valid six months more
The cat. five Irma with sustained winds reaching one eight five
And with a core diameter two hundred miles wide
Will likely strike our south-east coast within a week and drive
Destruction catastrophic; many people will have died
Kim’s tests and photographs provide convincing evidence
Of H-bomb capability long-range missile flights
No scorched-Earth threats will now reverse Kim Jong-un’s stubborn stance
To be now treated with respect befitting ones of might
The President, fulfilling his most unwise campaign promise
Today rescinded DACA, to take place in half a year
Within said time a Dreamer Act is to be passed by Congress
If not, he’ll reconsider. Dreamers’ lives are fraught with fear
Meanwhile, Congress back at work at how its money’s spent
Dealing with the ceiling of the debt and with the budget
Funding both for Harvey and to run the Government
A daunting situation for a Congress so inept