Sept. 28


To start with Trump keeps saying.kneeing
Disrespects our soldiers dying
Fighting for our flag
O’contrare, the soldiers I knew,
Having worked with quite a few,
Weren’t fighting just for flag
But for the freedoms symbolized
By flag and anthem realized
As kneeing under flag

Day eight of this, our worst disaster
Trump’s response is worth a laughter
Helping Puerto Rico
He, today, the Army sent
A general plus five thousand men
So little and so late to Puerto Rico
But Trump’s concern is not the plight
Of people dying day and night
It is News views of him in Puerto Rico

Tom Price of Health and Human Services
Thought that he was quite impervious
To the public eye
He spent more a million flying
Private jets as such defying
Image in the public eye
To Trump he’s an embarrassment
It won’t be long his visage hence
Will absent from the public eye


Author: Sabba Rabba

Unapologetic Octogenarian Democrat Respond to

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