Puerto Rico one day later, one day ever worse
Symbolic knee to protest cops on blacks is now a curse
Roy Moore proved Alabama Reps. Are really, really mad
To be elected there you really, really must be bad
Trump has done so poorly, blaming everything on Mitch
The rank and file are likely to dump Don Trump in the ditch
They’ll be primaried surely from the farthest, farthest right
To get elected one must be so right you’re out of sight
Trump’s Tax Plan was released, it is some thirteen pages long
He claimed, “believe me” he’d not profit – there his claims are wrong
Estate tax gone, deep wealthy cuts, Trump’s gain would be substantial
There aren’t sufficient loophole cuts to make this finance neutral
So Trump increased the bottom bracket paying for the slack
Of course the special-interest groups will want their loopholes back
And Democrats will want relief applied to middle class
It’s not quite clear there’ll be the votes for anything to pass
And so it goes; in other news Bob Mueller’s now Hell bent
And Russia’s adds on Facebook / Twitter still sowing dissent
There’s still much more to chat about but it will have to wait
I’m scheduled up-mike’s-corner-Jake and surely can’t be late